A Data Sets

# Bacteremia
# Hospital acquired and all cause bacteremias and 30 days mortality
# Variables:
#   month (date): month of infection
#   ha_infections (numeric): number of hospital acquired infections
#   risk_days (numeric): number of patient days without infection
#   deaths (numeric): 30-day mortality after all-cause infection
#   patients (numeric): number of patients with all-cause infection


Reading csv files

Data summaries


Hospital acquired and all cause bacteremias and 30 days mortality

File: bacteremia.csv


  • month (date): month of infection
  • ha_infections (numeric): number of hospital acquired infections
  • risk_days (numeric): number of patient days without infection
  • deaths (numeric): 30-day mortality after all-cause infection
  • patients (numeric): number of patients with all-cause infection

Blood pressure

Daily measurements of blood pressure and resting pulse.

File: blood_pressure.csv


  • date (date): date of measurement
  • systolic (numeric): systolic blood pressure (mm Hg)
  • diastolic (numeric): diastolic blood pressure (mm Hg)
  • pulse (numeric): resting pulse (beats per minute)

Clostridioides difficile infections

Hospital acquired C. diff. infections

File: cdiff.csv


  • month (date): first day of month
  • cases (numeric): number of cases
  • risk_days (numeric): number of patient days without infection

Ceasearian section delay

Time to grade 2 C-section

File: csection_delay.csv


  • datetime (datetime): date and time of delivery
  • month (date): first day of month
  • delay (numeric): time in minutes between decision and delivery

Emergency admission mortality

7-day mortality after emergency admission

File: emergency_admission.csv


  • month (date): first day of month
  • deaths (numeric): number of deaths within 7 days after emergency admission
  • admissions (numeric): number of emergency admissions

On-time CT

Patients with acute abdomen CT scanned within 3 hours after arrival

File: ontime_ct.csv


  • month (date): first day of month
  • ct_on_time (numeric): number of patients scanned within 3 hours
  • cases (numeric): number of patients with acute abdomen

Radiation doses

Radiation doses used for renography

File: renography_doses.csv


  • date (date): date of renography
  • week (date): first day of week
  • dose (numeric): radiation dose in megabequerel

Robson group 1 births

Outcomes and complications of Robson group 1 births: first time pregnancy, single baby, head first, gestational age at least 37 weeks.

File: robson1_births.csv


  • datetime (datetime): data and time of birth
  • biweek (date): first day of biweekly period
  • csect (logical): delivery by C-section
  • cup (logical): delivery by vacuum extraction
  • length (numeric): baby length in cm
  • weight (numeric): baby weight in kg
  • apgar (numeric): apgar score at 5 minutes
  • ph (numeric): arterial umbilical chord pH
  • asphyxia (logical): ph < 7 or missing ph and apgar < 7